Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision 8574808
Revision 8574808 by Brecht Van Lommel (master) June 25, 2013, 16:38 (GMT) |
Fix #35546: clicking cycles "Use Nodes" did not do a proper undo push, due to button disappearing as soon as it's clicked. Workaround now is to make this an operator. Thanks to Lukas and Campbell for tracking this down. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 8574808b2d60305439bc2af9e3a6be6f34cd5375
SVN Revision: 57741
Parent Commit: daa54f0
Lines Changed: +22, -2
1 Modified Path:
/intern/cycles/blender/addon/ (+22, -2) (Diff)