Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision 9a0776c
Revision 9a0776c by Campbell Barton (master) September 29, 2011, 17:15 (GMT) |
improvements to translation message generator - for rna stringsinclude the path as comment, eg: #~ - skip strings like %dx%d or -X. - for strings extracted from python scripts include file:line reference as with C files. - have messages in order they appear in the file, files and classes sorted so it reads more logically. - extract these comments from the messages.txt file into the pot file. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 9a0776c54a3aaeacbfd3575098b8ae428b217878
SVN Revision: 40696
Parent Commit: 6f9636b
Lines Changed: +135, -41