Blender Git Loki

Git Commits -> Revision c0016a8

Revision c0016a8 by Campbell Barton (master)
August 16, 2021, 04:35 (GMT)
BLF: avoid unnecessary lookups in blf_kerning_cache_new

blf_kerning_cache_new was performing many unnecessary hash lookups,
calling blf_glyph_search 32768 times. Use a lookup table to reduce this
to the number of ASCII characters (128 calls).

Commit Details:

Full Hash: c0016a8581f3124d34dc8cf0a2a5c3374e72356a
Parent Commit: 4300050
Lines Changed: +23, -21

1 Modified Path:

/source/blender/blenfont/intern/blf_glyph.c (+23, -21) (Diff)
Tehnyt: Miika HämäläinenViimeksi päivitetty: 07.11.2014 14:18MiikaH:n Sivut a.k.a. MiikaHweb | 2003-2021