Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision c1a74d9
Revision c1a74d9 by Joshua Leung (master) November 11, 2010, 11:56 (GMT) |
Animation Editors: Experimental indicators + "fixup" operator for "Disabled FCurves" F-Curves tagged as "disabled" now have their channels drawn with a red line underlining their names. "Disabled" F-Curves are skipped for evaluation, and typically result (for example) from assigning an action from one armature to another, but the new armature does not have some of the bones the action's F-Curves need in order for the datapaths (referring to the property the F-Curves affect) to be resolved. This is to prevent heaps of invalid channels slowing down animation playback. I've also added a new operator, found by: Channels -> Revive Disabled F-Curves in the Graph Editor and DopeSheet/Action Editors, which will clear all the disabled tags for all the F-Curves in the animation editor at the time (based on the filtering criteria). Use this operator to clear the disabled tags, allowing such channels to be able to be evaluated again (perhaps after adding the offending bones for example, or when using the action on the original armature again). |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: c1a74d9bd6b186966568e6455f6fe4c50a3cf17f
SVN Revision: 33008
Parent Commit: 5aea6c2
Lines Changed: +87, -2