Blender Git Loki

Git Commits -> Revision d08e988

Revision d08e988 by Bastien Montagne (master)
December 28, 2015, 20:40 (GMT)
BLI_kdopbvh: switch from OMP to BLI_task.

Gives the usual 10%-30% speedup on affected functions themselves (BLI_bvhtree_overlap() and
BLI_bvhtree_balance()), and about 2% speedup to overall cloth sim e.g. (measured from
main Cloth modifier func).

Commit Details:

Full Hash: d08e9883bdfc5011b1e5728545abd100d8553da2
Parent Commit: 49a3011
Lines Changed: +114, -63

1 Modified Path:

/source/blender/blenlib/intern/BLI_kdopbvh.c (+114, -63) (Diff)
Tehnyt: Miika HämäläinenViimeksi päivitetty: 07.11.2014 14:18MiikaH:n Sivut a.k.a. MiikaHweb | 2003-2021