Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision d2ee32f
Revision d2ee32f by Gaia Clary March 17, 2018, 12:51 (GMT) |
Feature Collada: Export also not selected intermediate objects Problem: When we export an Object Hierarchy, then we must export all elements of the hierarchy to maintain the transforms. This is especially important when exporting animated objects, because the animation curves are exported as relative curves based on the parent-child hierarchy. If an intermediate animated object is missing then the exported animation breaks. Solution: If the "Selected" Optioon is enabled, then take care to also export all objects which are not selected and hidden, but which are parents of selected objects. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: d2ee32f7fffd2115a1285e83cf7c1e27e0a79ff0
Parent Commit: f76d010
Lines Changed: +114, -115