Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision d475448
Revision d475448 by Andrea Weikert (master) November 6, 2010, 18:54 (GMT) |
== filebrowser == Added two user preferences for filebrowser: 1. Hide Recent Locations Requested by Kernon Dillon. Reason: People doing video tutorials might not want to expose the name of other projects they are working on. 2. Open Filebrowser in thumbnail view for images and movies Requested by Sebastian König at the Blender Conference. Reason: In the past (and most likely still) some corrupt images or movies could crash the filebrowser when generating thumbnails. (crashes in ffmpeg, libtiff, libjpg). While many of those were solved, artists in a production environment might want to use this setting to prevent any crashes. NOTE: the second setting should probably be set next time we create a new default startup.blend. Until then users need to switch this on manually in the User Preferences. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: d475448bddaff1419d1b1f1aca082fa8f8f9a98c
SVN Revision: 32895
Parent Commit: 066a1d3
Lines Changed: +28, -8