Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision d5edeb5
Revision d5edeb5 by Brecht Van Lommel (master) December 11, 2007, 14:58 (GMT) |
Bugfix for constraint lagging with local ipo's. For some reason the depsgraph relations for constraints with a local ipo were being skipped, but I have no idea why this code was added? Uncommenting it seems to work fine. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: d5edeb526cd980b9bccce5d174593c5306dada63
SVN Revision: 12844
Parent Commit: 60972ad
Lines Changed: +5, -1
1 Modified Path:
/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/depsgraph.c (+5, -1) (Diff)