Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision d8171e4
Revision d8171e4 by Maxime Curioni (master) June 13, 2008, 22:23 (GMT) |
soc-2008-mxcurioni: removed static dependencies (formerly fixed in app_blender/test_config.h). From now on, to use the branch, one needs to define a FREESTYLE_BLENDER_DIR environment variable to point to the Freestyle directory source/blender/freestyle |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: d8171e4bc6c25200661542ad9a42e8e41bb748c4
SVN Revision: 15218
Parent Commit: 07001e7
Lines Changed: +16, -27
1 Deleted Path:
/source/blender/freestyle/intern/app_blender/test_config.h (+0, -10)