Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision d8a6c1d
Revision d8a6c1d by Bastien Montagne (master) May 25, 2018, 10:27 (GMT) |
Cleanup/simplification for BKE_modifier_get_evaluated_mesh_from_object * Added BKE_object_get_evaluated_mesh, which can also be used outside of Modifier context. * BKE_modifier_get_evaluated_mesh_from_object is now a dummy wrapper around BKE_object_get_evaluated_mesh, we do not need anything special anymore for RENDER quality option, since this is supposed to be handled at depsgraph level... Maybe we can get rid of it at some point, but kind of like the idea of keeping it for now, sounds more consitent. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: d8a6c1d316f3abdb778c37b60951e54f3c407f29
Parent Commit: ba6abd8
Lines Changed: +18, -10