Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision e8cc2b7
Revision e8cc2b7 by Antonio Vazquez (experimental_gp_weight, greasepencil-experimental, greasepencil-object, greasepencil-refactor, soc-2019-npr, temp-gpencil-eval, temp-greasepencil-object-stacksplit, temp-greasepencil-vfx) March 3, 2017, 12:16 (GMT) |
New operator to create grease pencil palette. This operator is used in template_ID in python to create the palette in imapaint and not relative to context |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: e8cc2b74f163897d9e62bdd6081913a5b4d882b3
Parent Commit: 5350475
Lines Changed: +22, -0
1 Modified Path:
/source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/paint_ops.c (+22, -0) (Diff)