Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision ebaa7d9
Revision ebaa7d9 by Hans Goudey January 9, 2021, 9:7 (GMT) |
Geometry Nodes: Enable Exposing object and collection sockets This patch allows connecting wires for object and collection socket types to the "Group Input" node, which exposes them to be adjusted in the modifier. Thanks a lot to @angavrilov for working on this. I was working on this as well, but Alexander fixed a few more issues than I did, so his version is here with some edits. The patch is composed of a few different changes: - Add code to create pointer properties in the modifier settings for object and collection sockets, and also to draw them in the UI. - Also search through the modifier's `IDProperty` settings to find IDs used by the modifier. - A bug fix in RNA_acces.c for setting pointer `IDProperty` values. - Make pointer `IDProperty` values editable. Previously there was just no need for this. Differential Revision: |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: ebaa7d9efa18c25d0d3ef8d695919a1c14adbd47
Parent Commit: fa82a15
Committed By: Alexander Gavrilov
Lines Changed: +127, -38