Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision fb8d6b9
Revision fb8d6b9 by Nathan Vegdahl (master) January 26, 2010, 11:17 (GMT) |
Rigify: - Removed control-shape deformation bones from the spine rig (no longer necessary thanks to the new "custom shape at" feature). - Various improvements to the mouth rig, including a corrective shape key for mouth-open. - The new method of generating into the same armature object every time wasn't copying pose bone data in the process, such as rotation mode and transform locks. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: fb8d6b9f7a469e82762efd408746af3a20453356
SVN Revision: 26289
Parent Commit: 5fe3524
Lines Changed: +73, -87