Blender Git Loki

Blender Git "experimental_gp_weight" branch commits.

Page: 37 / 122

February 3, 2018, 10:03 (GMT)
Improve Stabilizer tooltip
February 3, 2018, 08:51 (GMT)
Merge branch 'blender2.8' into greasepencil-object
February 2, 2018, 19:39 (GMT)
Keep selection after Split stroke

When split a section of the stroke is better to keep the selection.
February 2, 2018, 19:15 (GMT)
Cleanup: Remove unused variables
February 2, 2018, 16:48 (GMT)
Cleanup: Fix comments
February 2, 2018, 16:32 (GMT)
Merge branch 'blender2.8' into greasepencil-object
February 2, 2018, 16:01 (GMT)
Merge branch 'blender2.8' into greasepencil-object
February 2, 2018, 15:59 (GMT)
New Split operator

Split selected points in a new stroke in the same frame. The stroke is not created in the current frame, but in the frame of the original stroke.

Shortcut: V
February 2, 2018, 10:22 (GMT)
Cleanup: Remove duplicate operation

It was stupid add and sub the same value
February 2, 2018, 09:49 (GMT)
Make color picker panel more compact

There was too many space between colors and panel borders.

Also changed the aspect ratio for small number of colors.
February 2, 2018, 09:34 (GMT)
Merge branch 'blender2.8' into greasepencil-object
February 2, 2018, 09:34 (GMT)
Cleanup: Create function to duplicate stroke to avoid code duplication.
February 2, 2018, 06:43 (GMT)
Cleanup: De-duplicate dynamic enum function used for setting GP brush icons

It turned out that there were slight differences between these two
versions (namely, where they searched for the list of active brushes),
but it's not too much of a stretch to use the same code for this with
a few minor tweaks, as per this commit.
February 2, 2018, 03:15 (GMT)
Cleanup: Remove unused/deprecated dynamic enum stuff
February 1, 2018, 18:18 (GMT)
New option to separate Points

Added an option to separate selected points and not only whole stroke.

Also some cleanup task as rename vars and reorganize code.
February 1, 2018, 17:23 (GMT)
Add P key shortcut for Separate operator
February 1, 2018, 16:11 (GMT)
UI changes for color picker

* Colors have labels, so previews don't need to be as big, GP_BOX_SIZE set to 32.
* More padding between items, they are too close to each other at the moment GP_BOX_GAP set to 24.
* Round boxes are a bit less round to match the rest of the UI 0.2f (before used 0.4f)
* Cursor should not change to color picker. We are performing an action (selecting an item), not picking UI colors per se.

Thanks Pablo Vazquez for the feedback
February 1, 2018, 15:31 (GMT)
Merge branch 'blender2.8' into greasepencil-object
February 1, 2018, 15:22 (GMT)
Cleanup: Define a shared poll method for edit 3D
February 1, 2018, 15:22 (GMT)
Cleanup: Remove unnecessary flags and fix typo
Tehnyt: Miika HämäläinenViimeksi päivitetty: 07.11.2014 14:18MiikaH:n Sivut a.k.a. MiikaHweb | 2003-2021