Blender Git Loki

Blender Git "temp-greasepencil-vfx" branch commits.

Page: 88 / 145

November 4, 2017, 04:43 (GMT)
Fix: GP modifiers not updating when properties changed

Added back an explicit call to BKE_gpencil_batch_cache_dirty()
in the rna update callback for GPencil modifier properties.

However, instead of polluting the general rna_Modifier_update(),
this time we do this in a special wrapper/update callback for
dedicated GP modifier usage.

I'm unsure why the depsgraph isn't properly updating this case
- there's probably a missing relation between modifier properties
and GP ubereval (which calls the tagging), but where?!
November 4, 2017, 04:43 (GMT)
GP Modifier: Set up stubs for geometry modifiers too
November 4, 2017, 04:43 (GMT)
GP Modifiers: Fully ported Noise modifier over to new system
November 4, 2017, 04:43 (GMT)
Fix: "deformStrokes(..., bGPDframe *)" callback should really have been "deformStroke(..., bGPDstroke *)" instead
November 4, 2017, 04:43 (GMT)
Cleanup - Various cleanups for GP modifier files

* Remove redundant checks
* Use M_PI_2 instead of hardcoding a magic number
* Fix license text year info
* Properly handle new palette creation in Tint modifier
November 4, 2017, 04:43 (GMT)
Cleanup: De-duplicate mode checking macros for GPencil
November 4, 2017, 04:43 (GMT)
Cleanup - Move helper functions for GP modifiers into the modifiers module
November 4, 2017, 04:43 (GMT)
Cleanup - Use existing vertex groups function instead of defining out own
November 4, 2017, 04:43 (GMT)
Fix compiler warning about const vs non-const
November 4, 2017, 04:43 (GMT)
Fix "Apply Modifier" operator to use the new callbacks
November 4, 2017, 04:43 (GMT)
GP Modifiers - Change all applyModifier callbacks to bakeModifierGP callbacks
November 4, 2017, 04:43 (GMT)
ModifierTypeInfo - Add 3 dedicated callbacks to support GP modifier evaluation and operations

* deformStrokes - Handles the "stroke" modifiers currently evaluated in
BKE_gpencil_stroke_modifiers() - e.g. Thickness, Noise

* generateStrokes - Handles the "geometry" modifiers currently evaluated
in BKE_gpencil_geometry_modifiers() - e.g. Array

* bakeModifierGP - Dedicated callback for hosting the code currently
wrongly-placed in applyModifier. This gets called
when pressing the "Apply" button on a GP modifier.
November 4, 2017, 04:43 (GMT)
Compile fix: Missed a reference in previous commit

TODO: Calls to BKE_gpencil_layer_delframe() need to trigger a refresh
November 4, 2017, 04:43 (GMT)
Cleanup - Remove direct BKE_gpencil_batch_cache_dirty() code in favor of depsgraph tagging
November 4, 2017, 04:43 (GMT)
Cleanup: Eliminate BKE_gpencil_batch_cache_alldirty()

This accessed the global G.main directly, which we're trying to remove
November 4, 2017, 04:43 (GMT)
Fix: Version patching code was creating extra GP datablocks and throwing them away

After modifying the BKE_object_add() function to create a new GP datablock
by default, this change in behaviour would cause problems for the version
patching code fixing the old scene->gpd.
November 4, 2017, 04:43 (GMT)
Cleanup - Remove unused var
November 4, 2017, 04:43 (GMT)
Cleanup - Style
November 4, 2017, 04:43 (GMT)
Cleanup: Remove the redundant GP_TOOL_SOURCE_OBJECT stuff

Since we only have GP objects in the 3D view now, this is the only
setting that should be used. Therefore, there's no need to set this
setting or check if for any reasons anymore.
November 4, 2017, 04:43 (GMT)
Cleanup: Use standard logic for duplicating OB_GPENCIL objects and their data
Tehnyt: Miika HämäläinenViimeksi päivitetty: 07.11.2014 14:18MiikaH:n Sivut a.k.a. MiikaHweb | 2003-2021