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Blender Git Statistics -> Branches -> temp_custom_loop_normals

"Temp_custom_loop_normals" branch

Total commits : 150
Total committers : 6
First Commit : August 6, 2014
Latest Commit : February 5, 2015

Commits by Month

DateNumber of Commits
February, 201550
January, 201527
December, 20140
November, 201418
October, 20147
September, 20144
August, 201444


AuthorNumber of Commits
Bastien Montagne119
Campbell Barton20
Lukas Toenne4
Sergey Sharybin4
Antonis Ryakiotakis2
Martijn Berger1

Popular Files

FilenameTotal Edits

Latest commits Feed

February 5, 2015, 14:7 (GMT)
February 5, 2015, 14:6 (GMT)
Merge branch 'master' into temp_custom_loop_normals
February 5, 2015, 13:46 (GMT)
Merge branch 'master' into temp_custom_loop_normals
February 5, 2015, 13:35 (GMT)
Merge branch 'master' into temp_custom_loop_normals
February 5, 2015, 13:9 (GMT)
Merge branch 'master' into temp_custom_loop_normals
February 5, 2015, 12:43 (GMT)
Merge branch 'master' into temp_custom_loop_normals
February 4, 2015, 18:38 (GMT)
Pedantic style edit...
February 4, 2015, 18:25 (GMT)
Merge branch 'master' into temp_custom_loop_normals
February 4, 2015, 17:16 (GMT)
Fix own stupid mistake in removing of 'use_current_clnors' option...
February 4, 2015, 17:12 (GMT)
More name cleanup (spaceset -> spacearr).
February 4, 2015, 17:0 (GMT)
Fix clnors no more importing correctly.

Found out why I needed CD_MASK_NORMAL in CD_MASK_MESH: BKE_mesh_validate() removes
any CD layer that does not match that mask! And it is mandatory for importers to
be able to call mesh.validate() without deleting those 'temp' CD layers.

So instead of 'poluting' CD_MASK_MESH here, added an option to BKE_mesh_validate
to not remove those temp CD layers...
February 4, 2015, 16:43 (GMT)
Minor fix comments.
February 4, 2015, 16:11 (GMT)
Don't reference NULL in RNA docs
February 4, 2015, 15:51 (GMT)
rename vars
February 4, 2015, 15:36 (GMT)
February 4, 2015, 15:36 (GMT)
rename struct MLoopNorSpaceset -> MLoopNorSpaceArray

since its not a 'set' or 'setting' anything, its an MLoop alligned array-store
February 4, 2015, 15:12 (GMT)
Merge branch 'master' into temp_custom_loop_normals
February 4, 2015, 15:11 (GMT)
Revert A -> a change in comment about spheroid equation (not in code though), and remove CD_MASK_NORMAL from CD_MASK_MESH (not needed!).
February 4, 2015, 15:10 (GMT)
minor API naming
February 4, 2015, 13:55 (GMT)
minor tweaks

naming, style, remove redundant includes & poll function

MiikaHweb - Blender Git Statistics v1.06
Tehnyt: Miika HämäläinenViimeksi päivitetty: 07.11.2014 14:18MiikaH:n Sivut a.k.a. MiikaHweb | 2003-2021