MiikaHweb Blogi (Sivu 4)
Dynamic Paint v.1.17 out

Yesterday I found an easy way to report Dynamic Paint status without console. Just show the result within the ui - like many other Blender parts have done for a while. Yet, I never figured it's possible to do that. :x
Now, when baking is done you get a new text field below the bake button that tells you what happened. On a successful bake it just reports "Bake complete! (Time: -)". In case of an error, like missing UV data or no paint objects in scene, you'll get an error message that tells you what's wrong.
Of course all this info has always been visible at console, but now it's easily visible within the ui! Still can't believe I didn't figure this out earlier. x_X
EDIT: I also added Blender 2.5x style error and warning messages in case of a non-successful bake.
Kategoria:Blender, Development
Tagit: Blender, Dynamic Paint, Patch
Testing Blender indirect lightning

I was testing how Blender 2.5x indirect lightning system works with textured emitters. At first it seemed like it doesn't work at all, especially with images, but apparently you just have to subdivide the mesh enough times to cover those emissive pixels.
So yeah, of course I ended up making a new test/demo of Dynamic Paint. In this one I used two high resolution canvases to cover all the geometry. For rendering I had to subdivide them to total ~1 million vertices to emit light properly.
I think the result is quite cool:
Kategoria:Blender, Development
Tagit: Blender, Dynamic Paint, Particles, Light
Dynamic Paint out of beta, v1.15 released

I just released a new version of Dynamic Paint.
Changes in Dynamic Paint v.1.15:
- You can now select which material to use when "Use Material" is enabled. Now the color selection box changes to a material selector. If no material is selected, it behaves just like before.
- Removed some useless ui elements like display/render settings and buttons from modifier panel.
- Some minor tweaking.
Since Dynamic Paint seems to be stable and I don't have anything critical on my todo list, I think it's time to roll Dynamic Paint out of beta. :) I'll keep updating if something comes to mind, and of course I'll keep this compatible with SVN. Now it's just waiting for Blender to start accepting new features and then see if DP can become officially part of Blender.
Of course there are some things to add or change later, that aren't currently possible to do:
- Non-ui-freezing bake system. I'll implement this as soon as it's possible without random crashes.
- PTex support. To do as soon as Blender itself gets PTex support.
Thanks everyone for your support, feedback, donations and for testing Dynamic Paint!
I just found out that mouse cursor progress bar works again in latest SVN revisions. Re-enabled now in v.1.15b.
Kategoria:Blender, Development
Tagit: Blender, Dynamic Paint, Patch
Dynamic Paint Guide Finished

It's been more than a month since I released the first part of my Dynamic Paint guide. Now the second part is finally here.
It took way too long and I'm still not quite happy with some parts of it. But I have been completely missing my motivation to touch it. This guide has been like 90% done for up to two weeks. x_X
This second and final part of the guide explains all paint object related settings and also includes some downloadable .blend files.
Here is a render from one of the samples: Wetmap textures for fluid simulations.
Kategoria:Site News, Blender, Development
Tagit: Blender, Dynamic Paint, Tutorial
Dynamic Paint v.1.13

I just updated my builds and the patch to version 1.13.
This new version fixes compatibility with recent SVN revisions (build errors and/or crashing) and fixes a crash when duplicating a "paint" object. I also did some code tweaking and added error messages if running out of memory. (Quite unlikely since dp barely requires memory but still... :p)
For download links check my Blender Builds page.
Kategoria:Blender, Development
Tagit: Blender, Dynamic Paint
Dynamic Paint v1.12

I know it was just yesterday when I released Dynamic Paint v1.10. However, yesterday Thomas Dinges (the Blender 2.5 UI coder) did some cleanup on Dynamic Paint user interface, so I decided to release it right away.
Changes in v1.12:
- UI cleanup by Thomas Dinges (DingTo).
- Fixes a bug with paint colors.
- Some code cleaning and tweaking.
You can download Windows builds or a code patch from my Blender Builds page.
Kategoria:Blender, Development
Tagit: Blender, Dynamic Paint
Yet another bug in my blog comment system

It looks like comment system was "disabled" for the couple of last blog entries I made. That bug is now fixed.
I have coded this whole website myself from scratch, so not everything works perfectly. But I just love web programming, so using an out-of-the-box blog system is out of the question. :)
Dynamic Paint v1.10 julkaistu

Latasin juuri sivulleni Dynamic Paint v1.10 päivityksen ja Blender käännökset.
Päivitys korjaa virheitä, jotka tulivat vastaan kirjoittaessani Dynamic Paint -opasta. Oppaan ensimmäinen osa on jo ollut luettavissa englanniksi jo jonkin aikaa. Käännän koko oppaan suomeksi vasta sen valmistuttua kokonaan.
Muutokset v.1.08 jälkeen:
- Teksturoitu maalaus on nyt reunanpehmennetty. Jos siis AA on päällä.
- Korjattu virheet joita ilmeni jos Canvasilla oli yli 32.767 verteksiä.
- Savulla maalaaminen toimii taas. Ilmeisesti hajosi yli kuukausi sitten.
- Pienempiä korjauksia ja säätöä.
Valmiin Windows käännöksen tai päivityksen voi ladata Blender Builds sivulta.
Lisäksi tein pienen päivityksen savusimulaattoriin. Savusta näkyy nyt joko aloitus tai lopetusframe, jos valittu kuva on simulaation ulkopuolella. Ennen näkyi vain viimeisin oikea kuva. Päivitys on lisätty SVN rev 33016.
Tässä simppeli testi erilaisilla teksturoiduilla "maaleilla":
Kategoria:Blender, Development
Tagit: Blender, Dynamic Paint
Dynamic Paint status update

It's been a long time without updates, sorry about that. I had an exam period at university and had to focus on studying. But now I'm back. :p
This weekend I decided to update Dynamic Paint baking system. Currently it freezes the whole user interface same way as particles and smoke baking. In the recent SVN it's not even possible to show the process at mouse cursor anymore... Fluids, however, use this new "Jobs system" that processes bake in the background. It seemed quite easy to apply same system to DP.
Unfortunately it turned out to be impossible. Current jobs system crashes if you change animation frames within the bake process and it appears to be quite tricky one to fix. Most likely won't be fixed anytime soon. So I had to revert Dynamic Paint back to the old baking system. :(
Anyway, I have updated Dynamic Paint patch so it's yet again compatible with recent SVN revisions. Now I'm going to finish the second part of my Dynamic Paint guide. I guess I'll be able to release it by the end of this week.
Kategoria:Site News, Blender
Tagit: Blender, Dynamic Paint, Patch
Dynamic Paint guide released

First part of my Dynamic Paint guide is now out. It covers all Dynamic Paint Canvas settings. Rest of the guide (Paint settings) will be released within a week. I'll also make improvements to the existing parts and add some downloadable .blend file samples later.
Check it out here : Blender: Dynamic Paint Guide.
And feel free to inform me if you find some parts confusing or need more info. Otherwise I might not be able to improve the guide. :)
I also posted yet another Dynamic Paint update: v.1.05 fixes some issues with displacement maps and slightly improves effects system.
EDIT 2010-10-18: I've been busy with other things lately and can't focus on writing the second part of this guide. It will be delayed for a week or so. :p
Dynamic Paint patch is now updated to version v1.06. It fixes compatibility with recent SVN version plus some Mac OSX related issues, thanks Jens Verwiebe for reporting those!
EDIT 2010-10-22: Dynamic Paint v1.07 released. It restores compatibility with latest SVN and fixes some issues with textured and face-aligned proximity painting.
Kategoria:Site News, Blender, Development
Tagit: Blender, Dynamic Paint, Patch