
MiikaHweb Blogi -> Git

Git logs and statistics now online

21.11.2013    1 Kommentti

Blender is now using GitNow that Blender has migrated from SVN to Git repository I have also updated my Blender Commit Logs and Statistics.

Statistics page is still missing releases and currently only "master" branch commits are displayed. I'm investigating best ways to implement generic branch support, as the way Git handles them is somewhat different, so it needs special consideration how to best represent them.

Since the main SVN repository won't be updated anymore it doesn't make sense to keep old statistics or logs hanging around either causing unnecessary confusion. In couple of days I'll remove them and place redirects to the new Git alternatives.

If you are still interested to find old SVN commits I have mapped original SVN revisions to older Git commits, so you can still use the old revision numbers in new Git log to look for specific commits. (e.g. "r50000" :)

Kirjoitti MiikaH klo 09:29

Kategoria:Site News, Blender, Development
Tagit: Blender, Statistics, Git, SVN

(Kommentteja, kysymyksiä tai keskustelua aiheesta.)

English Ben
21.11.2013 11:04
This is great news! I was getting worried why there was no new commits for over a week

Nimi: *
Varmistuskoodi: *verification image (?)
Kommentti: *

Tehnyt: Miika HämäläinenViimeksi päivitetty: 07.11.2014 14:18MiikaH:n Sivut a.k.a. MiikaHweb | 2003-2021