Ohjelmat -> Mozilla Thunderbird

Mozilla Thunderbird 17.0.4


Ohjelman tiedot:

Nimi: Mozilla Thunderbird
Versio: 17.0.4
Lisenssi: Freeware
Järjestelmä: Windows Linux
Päivitetty: 30.03.2013
Kotisivu: Mozilla Thunderbird
Mozilla Thunderbird on monipuolinen sähköpostiohjelma.

Ohjelma osaa perinteisten sähköpostitoimintojen lisäksi tunnistaa mahdolliset huijaus- tai roskapostiviestit. Oppivan roskapostisuodattimen voi nopeasti opettaa siirtämään ei-toivotut postit Roskapostit -kansioon.

Thunderbird sisältää monipuoliset asetukset, joista Thunderbirdin saa toimimaan juuri halutulla tavalla. Thunderbird tukee myös RSS-syötteitä.

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Muutosloki :

Thunderbird 15.0.1:
* Stability issues causing crashes when searching emails and forwarding emails (770262, 780908)
* Find and replace and some other actions in the compose window were not working correctly (787673)

Thunderbird 13.0.1:
* YouSendIt no longer expires Filelinks after 1 week
* The prompt given when a password had changed sometimes referred to a network error rather than a change of password
* Some Linux users may have been unable to start Thunderbird from outside the installation directory
* Miscellaneous other stability and display updates

Thunderbird 12.0:
* Global Search results now include message extracts in the results
* Various security fixes
* Various improvements to RSS feed subscription and general feed handling
* Thunderbird now supports add-ons that provide different types of local mail storage

Thunderbird 11.0:
* New user interface with Tabs above the main menu bar to facilitate navigation and make it more contextual
* Various security fixes
* Thunderbird notifications may not work properly with Growl 1.3 or later (691662)
* Fixes a crash seen during importing of Microsoft Outlook profiles (723105)

Thunderbird 10.0 has the following changes:
* New ability to search the Web
* Improvements to email search
* Several fixes when drafting email
* and several other platform fixes

Thunderbird 9.0.1 has the following changes:
* Fixes an issue that stopped users of Windows XP and earlier from running Thunderbird in some cases

Thunderbird 9.0 has the following changes:
* Thunderbird is based on the new Mozilla Gecko 9 engine
* New opt-in system for users to send performance and usability data back to Mozilla to improve future versions of Thunderbird
* Additional support for Personas in the compose and address book windows
* Better keyboard handling for attachments
* Windows users can hide the menu bar (and show it with the "alt" key)
* Several user interface fixes and improvements
* Fixed several security issues

Thunderbird 8.0 has the following changes:
* Thunderbird is based on the new Mozilla Gecko 8 engine
* Add-ons installed by third party programs are now disabled by default
* New Search and Find Shortcuts
* Improved accessibility of the attachment list
* Folder switching pane widget has been removed, can be added back with the Folder Pane View Switcher Add-on
* Numerous platform fixes to stability
* Fixed several security issues

Thunderbird 7.0.1 has the following changes:
* Fixed a rare issue where some users could find one or more of their add-ons hidden after a Thunderbird update (see the blog post)
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mhProgramInfo 0.98
Tehnyt: Miika HämäläinenViimeksi päivitetty: 07.11.2014 14:18MiikaH:n Sivut a.k.a. MiikaHweb | 2003-2021