Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision 6feec25
Revision 6feec25 by Joshua Leung (master) April 28, 2014, 14:23 (GMT) |
"Auto" option for Keyframe.easing This option (alongside the Ease In/Out/InOut options already available) aims to make it easier to get an initial curve that looks closer to the one you were expecting, by automatically picking whether Ease In or Ease Out should be used based on the type of interpolation being used for the curve segment in question. Notes: * The types chosen may need some adjustments (e.g. using ease in-out instead of just ease in) * This does break compatability with files saved in previous dev builds, but only if you were using Bounce/Elastic/Back with "Ease In" |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 6feec25bddfb96f979c89611840f1f558b7cd92c
Parent Commit: a3a3141
Lines Changed: +60, -4