Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision 73c191b
Revision 73c191b by Joshua Leung (master) August 8, 2012, 13:55 (GMT) |
Bugfix [#32250] Dubious selection mode in Dopesheet and Action Editor makes it impossible to delete ungrouped channels * Active flag wouldn't get cleared off selected Groups and FCurves when clicking on them again to deselect them * Disabled property defaults saving for click-handling operator for channels. While testing the fix for this bug, I noticed that the property-defaults stuff was leading to selections always defaulting to "extend" once this had been used once. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 73c191b53483530a3acc3f7a9eefda0e161bd9c2
SVN Revision: 49695
Parent Commit: 69095a6
Lines Changed: +20, -12
1 Modified Path:
/source/blender/editors/animation/anim_channels_edit.c (+20, -12) (Diff)