Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision cb99456
Revision cb99456 by Antonis Ryakiotakis (master) March 10, 2013, 02:30 (GMT) |
* Cleanup: collapse unneeded paint 2d function to the caller. Also, new code now does not use painter_2d_paint at all. Made sure the approprate variables of painter_2d are still initialized (They may be refactored to become part of the ImagePaintState struct) * Enable pressure control for new code path in texture paint. This revealed a bug, also present in blender 2.66: Size pressure is broken. This was pretty interesting for me because it indicates that we could support dynamic size in texture paint: (See anchored brushes) |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: cb994563509400dfcafecf4d5e7fa2e066f9e55b
SVN Revision: 55146
Parent Commit: 948b92a
Lines Changed: +57, -39