Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision cbeeca8
Revision cbeeca8 by Wayde Moss (master) May 12, 2021, 2:0 (GMT) |
NLA: Extract ..get_inverted_upper_snapshot() Extracts `nlasnapshot_blend_get_inverted_upper_snapshot()` from `BKE_animsys_nla_remap_keyframe_values()` This introduces a new struct member: `NlaEvalChannelSnapshot->remap_domain` and marks which values of `blended_snapshot` are processed for remapping/used-for-inverting. Effectively, it marks which values have successfully been remapped and can be further used for remapping. `nlasnapshot_blend_get_inverted_upper_snapshot()`: output snapshot `r_upper_snapshot` has each channel's `remap_domain` written to which effectively marks the successfully remapped values. The only reason a value is not in the remap domain is if inversion failed or it wasn't marked to be remapped. `..get_inverted_upper_snapshot()` has a variant `nlasnapshot_blend()` from {D10220}, but this patch doesn't depend on it at all. A third variant will later be added `..get_inverted_lower_snapshot()`. Altogether, these three functions allow solving for any of (lower_snapshot, upper_snapshot, blended_snapshot) given the other two. The function `..get_inverted_lower_snapshot()` will also similarly process the remap domain of the blended and lower snapshot. added assertions within `nlasnapshot_blend()` and `..get_inverted_upper_snapshot()` to future proof branches dealing with blendmode and mixmodes. (suggested by sybren) No user functional changes Reviewed By: sybren Differential Revision: |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: cbeeca8167f840798a0977906be911a09e7a63dd
Parent Commit: 65244ac
Lines Changed: +431, -89