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Blender Git Statistics -> Developers -> frank

Frank van Beek (frank)

Total Commits : 23
Master Commits : 23
Branch Commits : 0
First Commit : January 4, 2003
Latest Commit : May 8, 2003

Commits by Month

DateNumber of Commits
May, 20031
April, 20030
March, 20030
February, 200313
January, 20039

Favourite Files

FilenameTotal Edits

File Changes

ActionTotalPer Commit

Code Changes

ActionTotalPer Commit
Lines Added1315.7
Lines Removed693.0

Latest commits Feed

Revision 2258e14 by Frank van Beek (master)
May 8, 2003, 19:29 (GMT)
- new Blender Installer Icon (thanks Matt)

It's a pity nsis only uses the 32x32x16 bit version of this icon ;-(
Revision 8c5f949 by Frank van Beek (master)
February 24, 2003, 19:4 (GMT)
- python include path is now taken from nan_definitions.mk
Revision 68aae6f by Frank van Beek (master)
February 10, 2003, 17:43 (GMT)
- add GPL-license to installer
- add options in installer to create desktop icon and register .blend files
Revision 49da5dc by Frank van Beek (master)
February 10, 2003, 17:41 (GMT)
- change GPL_license to dos text
Revision a88302d by Frank van Beek (master)
February 10, 2003, 11:50 (GMT)
- removed debug line from windows/specific.sh
- deinstalling Blender now also removes "%PROGRAMFILES%Blender Foundation"
if it's empty
Revision f1f2bf8 by Frank van Beek (master)
February 10, 2003, 11:41 (GMT)
- mixed up python version and blender version ;-)
Revision e42e6dc by Frank van Beek (master)
February 10, 2003, 11:30 (GMT)
- display Blender version number in title of installer
Revision 3ae7008 by Frank van Beek (master)
February 10, 2003, 11:7 (GMT)
- windows/specific.sh now creates a custom NSIS configuration file for this
release and executes NSIS to build the Blender intaller
Revision 00aa396 by Frank van Beek (master)
February 10, 2003, 10:44 (GMT)
- export VERSION so specific.sh can use it
- made remove in the final directory a bit more specific
Revision 62cb583 by Frank van Beek (master)
February 10, 2003, 9:20 (GMT)

MiikaHweb - Blender Git Statistics v1.06
Tehnyt: Miika HämäläinenViimeksi päivitetty: 07.11.2014 14:18MiikaH:n Sivut a.k.a. MiikaHweb | 2003-2021