Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision 41b2a2a
March 18, 2009, 03:52 (GMT) |
* Volume rendering / multiple scattering - normalisation This changes the effect of the multiple scattering approximation to be more physically plausible (and easier to use) by making it conserve energy. Previously, the multiple scattering could show wildly different results based on the spread settings, often outputting much more light than was put in (via lamps), which is physically incorrect and made it difficult to use by requiring a lot of tweaking of the intensity value. This fixes it to some extent with a simple normalization, where it scales the light energy after multiple scattering to be the same as what was previously there in the light cache via single scattering. This means that using the default intensity of 1.0 should give good results by default, although you can still use it to tweak the effect. Note: This will render differently if you've already set up a .blend using multiple scattering with the old code, so you'll need to tweak older files. Setting the intensity back to the default 1.0 should be good though. * Smaller thing - fixed the camera view vector stuff up a bit in light cache, it now gives much more similar results to non-light cache when using anisotropic scattering. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 41b2a2a530804db35c3a0fed2d881acf6f332c3d
SVN Revision: 19326
Parent Commit: 2b05a83
Lines Changed: +68, -12
1 Modified Path:
/source/blender/render/intern/source/volume_precache.c (+68, -12) (Diff)