Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision 6c1aee7
Revision 6c1aee7 by Campbell Barton (master) May 14, 2006, 11:55 (GMT) |
Allow to see in real time trajectory of selected object. You can grag the keyframes around from anywhere in the animation. Keyframe dragging would be less of a hack if we could do an event handeler and a redraw space handeler in 1. This kind of functionality could be nice to see in Blender. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 6c1aee79a5f015b501820f3fe03507e53d85ed9e
SVN Revision: 7431
Parent Commit: 425dc54
Lines Changed: +581, -0
1 Added Path:
/release/scripts/ (+581, -0) (View)