Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision 6c4d21e
Revision 6c4d21e by Julian Eisel (temp-asset-browser-poselib-merge) July 14, 2021, 15:02 (GMT) |
File/Asset Browser: Extend file-entry and asset handle Python API Adds the following to `bpy.types.FileSelectEntry`: * `id_type`: The data-block type the file represenets, if any. * `local_id`: The local data-block it represents, if any (assets only). And the following to `bpy.types.AssetHandle`: * `local_id`: The local data-block the asset represents, if any. This kind of information and the references are important for asset related operators and UIs. They will be used by upcoming Pose Library features. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 6c4d21e95bffefeec3c7a732358cf33262bd97f0
Parent Commit: bab93fc
Lines Changed: +64, -0