Blender Git Loki
Git Commits -> Revision 9cdf008
Revision 9cdf008 by Sergey Sharybin (master) December 20, 2010, 19:47 (GMT) |
Fix #25315: Curve points keyframe changes made in edit mode get lost ED_curve_updateAnimPaths now updates fcurves from animation data rather than from local copy of curves: nurb and point index from keyIndex data gets updated in this function and for correct handling undo stuff copy of fcurves is stored in UndoCurve. Additional changes: - Revert of rev33640 and more proper fix: do not copy remained spline-related rna fcurves after renaming pathes but all the rest fcurves woulddbe copied back to animation data - Refresh graph and dopesheet editor after updating animation data |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 9cdf00897a7b3a32494cbc7b4004ee67447a6f4e
SVN Revision: 33822
Parent Commit: 9f298c6
Lines Changed: +58, -27