Blender Git Loki

Blender Git "greasepencil-object" branch commits.

Page: 195 / 345

July 13, 2018, 08:33 (GMT)
Merge branch 'blender2.8' into greasepencil-object
July 13, 2018, 08:33 (GMT)
Move depsgraph tag after brush creation

If the brush was created, the tag was not working because it was done before the brush was available.
July 13, 2018, 08:28 (GMT)
Move Overlay options to View3DOverlay

It's better to keep all overlays in the same RNA.
July 13, 2018, 08:14 (GMT)
Replace "Notes" by "Annotations" to keep UI consistency

We can not use the word "Notes" in the UI for annotations because it creates confusion for the user.
July 12, 2018, 17:50 (GMT)
Change some old grease pencil code to annotation

Fixed the error in annotation panel for other editors.

The main Notes switch for 3D View has been removed of the Notes panel because must be in the overlays.
July 12, 2018, 17:27 (GMT)
Move annotations switch to Overlay struct
July 12, 2018, 17:20 (GMT)
UI: Add again show annotation overlay switch

This was removed by error in a previous merge.
July 12, 2018, 15:45 (GMT)
Update to new OSD blender API
July 12, 2018, 15:35 (GMT)
Update depsgraph to active brush from toolbar

There is a problem with the synchronization of the brush if it's selected from toolbar.

This change maybe can be removed when new toolbar system will be ready, but we need it now to keep drawing brushes working.
July 12, 2018, 15:31 (GMT)
Revert "Revert "OpenSubdiv: Make more flexible C-API to specify FVar interpolation""

This reverts commit 14c72f943aacc2036a646ab625b274bc7e9b283b.
July 12, 2018, 15:29 (GMT)
Revert "Revert "OpenSubdiv: Fix wrong topology refiner cast""

This reverts commit 551f181742cfcbf4528369619dcfdb3a0a9d5f46.
July 12, 2018, 15:29 (GMT)
Revert "DO NOT MERGE - revert opensubdiv commit 9a0634a253421c02dbb6d2864db49e4d382ea2a3"

This reverts commit 87ed11f0a71801f45a0579371057e149c2f7bfb6.
July 12, 2018, 14:23 (GMT)
Merge branch 'blender2.8' into greasepencil-object
July 12, 2018, 07:09 (GMT)
Merge branch 'blender2.8' into greasepencil-object
July 11, 2018, 19:36 (GMT)
UI: Hide old Tools panels: Animation and Shapes

Pending to decide where put these operators.
July 11, 2018, 17:18 (GMT)
Merge branch 'blender2.8' into greasepencil-object
July 11, 2018, 17:18 (GMT)
UI: Hide color picker operator in Top bar

This operator will be replaced by material preview selector.

We keep the code internally now, but it will be removed when the preview works fine.
July 11, 2018, 15:14 (GMT)
Merge branch 'npr_tess' of into soc-2018-npr-tess-modifier
July 11, 2018, 14:51 (GMT)
modify the code to adapt VC and some API changes.
July 11, 2018, 14:43 (GMT)
Fixed camera object tranformation matrix
Tehnyt: Miika HämäläinenViimeksi päivitetty: 07.11.2014 14:18MiikaH:n Sivut a.k.a. MiikaHweb | 2003-2021