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Blender Git Statistics -> Branches -> usd

"Usd" branch

Total commits : 408
Total committers : 2
First Commit : January 16, 2021
Latest Commit : August 7, 2021

Commits by Month

DateNumber of Commits
August, 202116
July, 202195
June, 202157
May, 202180
April, 202175
March, 202171
February, 202112
January, 20212


AuthorNumber of Commits
Michael Kowalski392

Popular Files

FilenameTotal Edits

Latest commits Feed

August 7, 2021, 04:15 (GMT)
Revert changes to addons_contrib submodule.

Removed umm_add_on branch specification.
August 7, 2021, 03:26 (GMT)
Revert adding make dependencies for CUDA kernels
August 7, 2021, 02:54 (GMT)
Revert enabling omni addon on startup.
August 7, 2021, 02:42 (GMT)
Revert enabling OmniPanel addon on startup.
August 7, 2021, 02:13 (GMT)
Reset addons_contrib to master.

To revert upadtes for the umm_add_on branch.
August 7, 2021, 01:51 (GMT)
Revert updating nv addones in make.

Reverting calling update_nv_addons.cmd from make script.
August 6, 2021, 22:04 (GMT)
Merge branch 'nv-usd-importer' of https://gitlab-master.nvidia.com/omniverse/blender into omniverse
August 6, 2021, 21:14 (GMT)
Merge branch 'usd-importer-T81257-merge' of https://gitlab-master.nvidia.com/omniverse/blender into nv-usd-importer
August 6, 2021, 20:17 (GMT)
Pulled latest umm_add_on addons_contrib branch.
August 5, 2021, 01:46 (GMT)
Enable OmniPanel addon on startup

Added C calls to enable the OmniPanel addon
on startup.
August 5, 2021, 01:31 (GMT)
Pull latest addons_contrib umm_add_on branch

This update includes the OmniPanel addon.
August 3, 2021, 21:32 (GMT)
Updated addons_contrib submodule.

Pulled latest of the umm_add_on branch.
August 3, 2021, 01:04 (GMT)
USD export: texture export fixes

Added logic to save in-memory baked textures,
which was previously failig because baked textures
have empty file paths. Also fixed logic to ensure
environment textures get exported.
August 2, 2021, 14:13 (GMT)
USD importer: fixed typo

Fixed typo in copyright block comments.
August 2, 2021, 09:44 (GMT)
USD exporter: add xform operator options

Add options to export scale/rotate/translate
and scale/orient/translate operators as
alternatives to exporting a matrix.
August 2, 2021, 04:35 (GMT)
USD importer: updated copyright notices.

Explicitly acknowledged adaptation from the Alembic
importer implementation and copyright by Kevin Dietrich.
July 29, 2021, 18:22 (GMT)
Merge branch 'nv-usd-importer' of https://gitlab-master.nvidia.com/omniverse/blender into omniverse
July 29, 2021, 18:15 (GMT)
Merge branch 'usd-importer-T81257-merge' of https://gitlab-master.nvidia.com/omniverse/blender into nv-usd-importer
July 29, 2021, 17:15 (GMT)
USD import: remove placeholder bezier curve code

The placeholder code for the unimplemented functionality
of importing bezier curves was causing a crash. It has
been removed until support for beziers can be properly
July 29, 2021, 16:59 (GMT)
Updated USDMeshReader comments

MiikaHweb - Blender Git Statistics v1.06
Tehnyt: Miika HämäläinenViimeksi päivitetty: 07.11.2014 14:18MiikaH:n Sivut a.k.a. MiikaHweb | 2003-2021