Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision 1071d4a
Revision 1071d4a by Nathan Letwory (master) May 20, 2005, 12:18 (GMT) |
This commit fixes two related issues: 1: * when a blendfile gets loaded, paths are corrected with OS specific slashes (see blender.c) * made available BLI_char_switch(char *string, char from, char to) * made available BLI_clean(char *string);. This function should be called whenever you're doing path stuff, so paths are correctly saved, and thus avoiding other path functions stopping to work 2: * relative paths work now in sequencer too (due to slash mess that didn't work all too well). |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 1071d4a16e08bda7a6bfbcb02e278510b3cd1e44
SVN Revision: 4463
Parent Commit: f8ae055
Lines Changed: +173, -33