Blender Git Commit Log

Git Commits -> Revision 1908909

Revision 1908909 by Brecht Van Lommel (master)
November 25, 2013, 23:21 (GMT)
Sculpt Dynamic Topology: support collapsing edges without subdividing edges as well

This allows you to choose between subdivide edges, collapse and both. Being able to
only collapse edges can be useful to simplify meshes with accidentally introducing
more detail.

Reviewed By: psy-fi, carter2422

Differential Revision:

Commit Details:

Full Hash: 19089092739cce491888a7fa0e48e5e6a5fe64d8
Parent Commit: 3c7bfb1
Lines Changed: +44, -23

6 Modified Paths:

/release/scripts/startup/bl_ui/ (+7, -2) (Diff)
/source/blender/blenkernel/BKE_blender.h (+1, -1) (Diff)
/source/blender/blenloader/intern/readfile.c (+12, -10) (Diff)
/source/blender/editors/sculpt_paint/sculpt.c (+4, -1) (Diff)
/source/blender/makesdna/DNA_scene_types.h (+3, -2) (Diff)
/source/blender/makesrna/intern/rna_sculpt_paint.c (+17, -7) (Diff)
By: Miika HämäläinenLast update: Nov-07-2014 14:18MiikaHweb | 2003-2021