Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision 19f3550
Revision 19f3550 by Campbell Barton (master) August 1, 2006, 18:28 (GMT) |
Mostly finished work on bvh import. before funky stuff like IPO bezier curve fitting etc are added. * Fixed problem with zero length bones being removed. * Sped up import by writing to ipo curves rather then inserting keyframes * detect linear rate of change and ommit unneeded ipo points. * cleanup |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 19f3550eabf76097a64c2deecb0fc58775faeb15
SVN Revision: 8262
Parent Commit: 42b2ce8
Lines Changed: +244, -59
1 Modified Path:
/release/scripts/ (+244, -59) (Diff)