Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision 6b1258f
Revision 6b1258f by Ton Roosendaal (master) December 20, 2010, 13:02 (GMT) |
Bugfix #25301 Material Node trees: SSS wasn't displaying in Nodes. Implementation notes: - Currently copying local data for preview render, only copies the base material. Node materials are re-used. - This causes data to be in 2 "main" databases... complex. - To make it work for preview, I had to add another loop in the SSS code that checks the original Main dbase. That's marked as warning in code to be fixed up. Another bug: - Material properties "SSS presets" copied settings to the active material, not to the displayed one. Added RNA call to retrieve this from Objects. (Next commit will fix preset scripts) |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 6b1258f5b899d9aa0ad4e0c995dd637801b44aba
SVN Revision: 33811
Parent Commit: 88b2955
Lines Changed: +60, -1