Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision be1d06a
December 22, 2008, 20:28 (GMT) |
Volume rendering: * Multithreaded volume light cache While the render process itself is multithreaded, the light cache pre-process previously wasn't (painfully noticed this the other week rendering on some borrowed octocore nodes!). This commit adds threading, similar to the tiled render - it divides the light cache's voxel grid into 3d parts and renders them with the available threads. This makes the most significant difference on shots where the light cache pre- process is the bottleneck, so shots with either several lights, or a high res light cache, or both. On this file (3 lights, light cache res 120), on my Core 2 Duo it now renders in 27 seconds compared to 49 previously. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: be1d06a2c544a4ea27139475a72edb75afa37879
SVN Revision: 18017
Parent Commit: 7124d32
Lines Changed: +162, -177