Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision dfc72b3
Revision dfc72b3 by Ton Roosendaal (master) November 21, 2003, 13:14 (GMT) |
- Fix: the MKEY 'movetolayer' option doesnt close anymore on numeric input. Somewhere in end NaN period this was changed... weird. Now you can set layers with numeric buttons, including using ALT for numbers larger than 10, and using SHIFT for extend-select buttons. for the UI diehards who like to know; when you create a menu block, you can provide two flags to control behaviour on keyboard input: UI_BLOCK_RET_1 == return on any keypress (not mouse) UI_BLOCK_ENTER_OK == return on Enter key this was not correct in the doc/interface_API.txt , which will be fixed. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: dfc72b3f90644d28151f9fc8c8c27f7c9c56dcd7
SVN Revision: 1598
Parent Commit: 71500a2
Lines Changed: +8, -4