Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision e80206e
Revision e80206e by Alfredo de Greef (master) November 28, 2004, 02:13 (GMT) |
Added nearly full support for Blender's procedural textures, with the exception of 'envmap', 'magic', and 'plugin' modes. The stucci texture also is not exact match, since it cannot be fully emulated in yafray because of implementation issues. It will work best for low turbulence values (which is actually not taken into account in the export code). Also, since Blender's static noise is basically just direct random number output, don't expect the exact same result when rendered in yafray, but in this case that probably shouldn't be that much of a problem... (needs yafray from cvs) (btw, on a side note, I put this in the comments once when working on the noise stuff for Blender, but noise is affected by the 'depth' parameter, and there is no way to control this directly from the GUI, can only be done by temporarily switching to 'clouds' for instance.) |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: e80206e65f45684f1e9535401c59a253a5b31f5b
SVN Revision: 3534
Parent Commit: 9dbd01e
Lines Changed: +148, -79