Blender Git Commit Log

Git Commits -> Revision ef9bfdc

Revision ef9bfdc by Michel Selten (master)
November 22, 2003, 17:29 (GMT)
A couple of files I left in the intern/python dir needed to be removed as
To remove the directories on your system, do a:
cvs update -P

Commit Details:

Full Hash: ef9bfdcc7513a1928ce3773c0962f2b07e1ac574
SVN Revision: 1603
Parent Commit: 930fc9e
Lines Changed: +0, -961

6 Deleted Paths:

/intern/python/modules/util/ (+0, -109)
/intern/python/modules/util/README.txt (+0, -13)
/intern/python/modules/util/ (+0, -215)
/intern/python/modules/util/ (+0, -480)
/intern/python/modules/util/ (+0, -142)
/intern/python/modules/util/ (+0, -2)
By: Miika HämäläinenLast update: Nov-07-2014 14:18MiikaHweb | 2003-2021