Blender Git Commit Log

Git Commits -> Revision 6249c59

Revision 6249c59 by Dalai Felinto (master)
January 23, 2018, 14:01 (GMT)
Greasepencil icons

Note this comes from the greasepencil-object branch, and are merged to help
preventing future merge conflicts.

Also, I renamed the icons for consistency sake. So when this is merged in 2.8
other areas of the code will need to change.

Icons by Matias Mendiola

Commit Details:

Full Hash: 6249c596099a4120a5c97a2169ea118eff4e9d31
Parent Commit: 173f90c
Lines Changed: +505, -38

8 Added Paths:

/release/datafiles/blender_icons16/icon16_greasepencil_stroke_paint.dat (+0, -0) (View)
/release/datafiles/blender_icons16/icon16_object_origin.dat (+0, -0) (View)
/release/datafiles/blender_icons16/icon16_outliner_data_greasepencil.dat (+0, -0) (View)
/release/datafiles/blender_icons16/icon16_outliner_ob_greasepencil.dat (+0, -0) (View)
/release/datafiles/blender_icons32/icon32_greasepencil_stroke_paint.dat (+0, -0) (View)
/release/datafiles/blender_icons32/icon32_object_origin.dat (+0, -0) (View)
/release/datafiles/blender_icons32/icon32_outliner_data_greasepencil.dat (+0, -0) (View)
/release/datafiles/blender_icons32/icon32_outliner_ob_greasepencil.dat (+0, -0) (View)

2 Modified Paths:

/release/datafiles/blender_icons.svg (+501, -34) (Diff)
/source/blender/editors/include/UI_icons.h (+4, -4) (Diff)
By: Miika HämäläinenLast update: Nov-07-2014 14:18MiikaHweb | 2003-2021