Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision 652fbc2
Revision 652fbc2 by Ankit Meel (master) August 3, 2021, 15:19 (GMT) |
macOS: Portable builds with dynamic libraries. For dropping libomp.dylib next to Blender executable is enough for it getting picked up since `@executable_path` is an rpath. For non-distributed binaries datatoc, makesdna, tests etc, code for copying libomp.dylib to build folder is removed and replaced by CMake's rpath option for *build* tree. For, the post build rpath change has also been replaced by CMake rpath option for *install* tree. Since -id has been changed in D11748, remove the `install_name_tool -change ...` command. Any dylib can just be dropped at `MAC_BLENDER_TARGET_DYLIBS_DIR` hereafter. Appending dylib path to `CMAKE_BUILD_RPATH` will be needed for datatoc etc if linked against one (instead of copying the dylibs around). Reviewed By: #platform_macos, brecht Differential Revision: |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 652fbc200500497a67bd11d18b786587ba34e3d9
Parent Commit: a25a1f3
Lines Changed: +37, -35