Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision 8d131d5
Revision 8d131d5 by Tamito Kajiyama (master) July 12, 2010, 23:31 (GMT) |
Rearranged the organization of UI controls for feature edge selection criteria. Now the Inclusive/Exclusive and Logical AND/OR options are only applied to feature edge types, while the conditions on visibility and edge types are always combined by logical conjunction. Also, the crease angle, sphere radius and Kr derivative epsilon are treated as render layer-specific options instead of lineset-specific options. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: 8d131d519bf448bcccddb833c263bc36af22d6b5
SVN Revision: 30248
Parent Commit: cf2ff0b
Lines Changed: +83, -92