Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision a55b00b
Revision a55b00b by Julian Eisel (master) June 29, 2018, 22:42 (GMT) |
Fix a number of small errors in area coordinate handling For example collapsing the lower part of the topbar with 2x interface scale would hide the top-bar header region. There were also more asserts when changing window size and moving area edges afterwards (same assert as in T55298). Fixes are similar to e626998a262ebe4f. With all the recent fixes I've done, area geometry handling should be stable again. Let's hope I'm right :) |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: a55b00b53baf2e202b88cbea0f61a232ff9843d3
Parent Commit: 48ad67e
Lines Changed: +50, -12