Blender Git Commit Log

Git Commits -> Revision d89e5fc

Revision d89e5fc by William Reynish (master)
March 16, 2020, 13:25 (GMT)
UI: Add 7 new community themes

This commit adds 7 themes submitted by the community on Devtalk. These themes both serve specific purposes, provide a greater variety in look & feel, and serve as welcoming homes for users coming on board from other packages. This is the initial commit, but these themes can be continuously updated over time to fix issues and keep them up to date with changes.

Thanks to all contributors, and in particular the makes of the picked themes: Pierre Schiller, Edward Agwi, Vojt?ch Lacina, Michail Soluyanov, Jason van Gumster, Mr Wax Police & Jonathan Lampel.

An overview is here:

Commit Details:

Full Hash: d89e5fcaef5135360716053a43c4676508eaf5ef
Parent Commit: 37e7e1e
Lines Changed: +10356, -0

7 Added Paths:

/release/scripts/presets/interface_theme/deep_grey.xml (+1481, -0) (View)
/release/scripts/presets/interface_theme/maya.xml (+1481, -0) (View)
/release/scripts/presets/interface_theme/minimal_dark.xml (+1481, -0) (View)
/release/scripts/presets/interface_theme/modo.xml (+1481, -0) (View)
/release/scripts/presets/interface_theme/print_friendly.xml (+1481, -0) (View)
/release/scripts/presets/interface_theme/white.xml (+1470, -0) (View)
/release/scripts/presets/interface_theme/xsi.xml (+1481, -0) (View)
By: Miika HämäläinenLast update: Nov-07-2014 14:18MiikaHweb | 2003-2021