Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision e5a135e
Revision e5a135e by Sergey Sharybin (master) February 19, 2013, 08:37 (GMT) |
Fixes for alpha mode do_versions code Before this change only old flag "Premultiply" was used to detect alpha mode, which is not enough actually. Now the logic here is: - If "Premultiply" was enabled it is likely float image with straight alpha, which shall be premultiplied before usage. In this case image/sequence Alpha Mode is set to Straight. - Otherwise use default alpha mode for image format based on an extension. This could fail in some cases like TIFF, but this wasn't handled fully correct in older blender anyway. Initial discovered issue was that EXR images saved in older Blender versions were set to Straight alpha mode, which is obviously a straight way to lots of headache. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: e5a135e0b26d7a268e7507ffb1be2f2fcc1b0b9c
SVN Revision: 54654
Parent Commit: c68d532
Lines Changed: +47, -2