Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision eacc74e
Revision eacc74e by Sergey Sharybin (master) November 8, 2012, 14:01 (GMT) |
Fix #33116: Blender Crashes when saving inside Sculpt Mode with with GLSL and textured view enabled. Issue was caused by call ED_sculpt_force_update from WM_file_write which frees derived mesh and pBVH and forces them to be re-created. After this sculpt session wasn't repairing properly. Freeing data from WM_file_write is not nice by itself, but it exposed possible real issue when sculpting on modifiers. Made it so BLI_pbvh_grids_update will update pointers to material flags and hidden grids as well. This isn't idea solution for particular circumstances from the report, since pBVH would be rebuilt after save which ends up with small interface lags for while pBVH is rebuilding. Would be nice to have multires displacement propagation to higher levels without freeing data. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: eacc74ef1bdb331cba34817db298f36c957d06d8
SVN Revision: 52007
Parent Commit: 2e52bdb
Lines Changed: +9, -3