Blender Git Commits

Blender Git "render25" branch commits.

Page: 19 / 29

April 1, 2010, 08:40 (GMT)
March 31, 2010, 19:02 (GMT)
support for adding remove action groups, as well as setting an action group from an fcurve (was readonly).
March 31, 2010, 13:31 (GMT)
Render Branch: Fix ward isotropic slope option not showing in UI.

March 31, 2010, 11:58 (GMT)
Render Branch: Fix unused material node affecting final color.

March 31, 2010, 10:40 (GMT)
FCurve Py/RNA API for adding and removing points fcu.keyframe_points.add()/remove()
mostly rewritten but some parts taken from [#21313] Added API Function to manage F-Curve. By Anthony Hinsinger (atoy40)

Armature NLA baking function, very simple but not in any menu's yet.
- bakes armatures only
- bakes loc/scale/rot
- supports different rotation types
- cleans up unneeded points after.

March 31, 2010, 07:13 (GMT)
attempt to fix for dna padding error on some systems
March 31, 2010, 07:09 (GMT)
fix for own errors in calling ending topology table
March 31, 2010, 06:52 (GMT)
March 31, 2010, 06:49 (GMT)
March 30, 2010, 19:53 (GMT)
appending a data that linked to another blend file would fail to save that link because it didnt tag it as directly linked.
March 30, 2010, 17:10 (GMT)
Render Branch: Sun lamps now can cast soft shadows again. They look
different however than trunk, because they used to depend on the lamp
location while the light depends only on the rotation. So that has
changed now and only the rotation should have an influence. This also
means the soft size does not define a size in blender units, but rather
a fraction of the hemisphere.

March 30, 2010, 15:49 (GMT)
fix for topology mirror table not being freed
March 30, 2010, 15:26 (GMT)
Render Branch:
* Option Use Local Coords for raytracing was enabled when the option
in the UI was disabled.
* Avoid creating tangents on high res mesh when doing tangents space
high to low baking.
* Gave memory arena's a name used for allocations for easier memory
usage debugging.

March 30, 2010, 14:58 (GMT)
- offset option so the surface can be made solid from the middle
- vertex group, so solid distance can be multiplied by a vertex group (invert option also)
March 30, 2010, 12:31 (GMT)
select markers with Ctrl+RMB when sync selection enabled.
March 30, 2010, 11:13 (GMT)
Fix external multires data link getting lost on exiting editmode.

March 30, 2010, 10:49 (GMT)
March 30, 2010, 09:54 (GMT)
[#21816] has stopped working on Windows
moved to, missed this call.
March 30, 2010, 09:18 (GMT)
Baking for dupligroup & linked library objects
- library data allows pointcache writing (hard to know how this should work long term so ifdef'd for now)
- changing the frame now updates the dupligroup objects
- BKE_ptcache_ids_from_object(), option to get the id's from duplis

note! scene_update_tagged() is called from the main() loop, and runs BKE_ptcache_quick_cache_all(), this could become a performance issue, especially with duplis, should probably not call BKE_ptcache_quick_cache_all() all the time, even when not playing back animation.

March 29, 2010, 18:29 (GMT)
Render Branch: Fix a problem with particle duplis, due to own bugfix for #20350,
the problem for that seems to be in dupliverts, not particles.

By: Miika HämäläinenLast update: Nov-07-2014 14:18MiikaHweb | 2003-2021