Blender Git Statistics -> Developers -> mmoeller

Michael Möller (mmoeller)

Total Commits : 1
Master Commits : 1
Branch Commits : 0
First Commit : January 29, 2021
Latest Commit : January 29, 2021

Commits by Month

DateNumber of Commits
January, 20211

Favourite Files

FilenameTotal Edits

File Changes

ActionTotalPer Commit

Code Changes

ActionTotalPer Commit
Lines Added11.0
Lines Removed22.0

Latest commits Feed

Revision 5d215d5 by Michael Möller / Clément Foucault (master)
January 29, 2021, 16:8 (GMT)
EEVEE: Fix GPUNodeLink memory leak for displacement nodes using SHD_SPACE_WORLD

When the displacement space is set to SHD_SPACE_WORLD, the GLSL method
"node_displacement_world" is used instead of the "node_displacement_object" method. The two GLSL methods:
void node_displacement_object(
float height, float midlevel, float scale, vec3 N, mat4 obmat, out vec3 result)
N = (vec4(N, 0.0) * obmat).xyz;
result = (height - midlevel) * scale * normalize(N);
result = (obmat * vec4(result, 0.0)).xyz;

void node_displacement_world(float height, float midlevel, float scale, vec3 N, out vec3 result)
result = (height - midlevel) * scale * normalize(N);
In contrast to the "node_displacement_object" method, the "node_displacement_world"
does not require an "obmat" parameter. Attempting to still pass "GPU_builtin(GPU_OBJECT_MATRIX)"
as additional parameter will result in a memory leak. The "GPUNodeLink" allocated in
the "GPU_builtin" method will never get released.

Fixes T83941 Memory leak when using the Displacement shader node in Eevee with the displacement
space set to "World Space"

MiikaHweb - Blender Git Statistics v1.06
By: Miika HämäläinenLast update: Nov-07-2014 14:18MiikaHweb | 2003-2021