Blender Git Loki

Blender Git "temp_bge_moto" branch commits.

October 31, 2015, 21:43 (GMT)
BGE: Moto: Use float for MT_Scalar.

4104 rotating spheres.
Without moto modifications:
Logic : 5.15 : 5%
SceneGraph : 8.50 : 8%
Rasterizer : 20.90 : 21%
Logic : 5.00 : 4%
SceneGraph : 8.00 : 8%
Rasterizer : 20.25 : 20%
October 31, 2015, 18:45 (GMT)
BGE: Moto: merge MT_Tuple and MT_Point in MT_Vector.

This commit also replace MT_Tuple and MT_Point in ik solver and BGE with command :

find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/MT_Tuple/MT_Vector/g' {} +
find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/MT_Point/MT_Vector/g' {} +
October 31, 2015, 18:45 (GMT)
BGE: Moto: Use MT_Scalar instead of double in MT_CmMatrix4x4.
October 31, 2015, 18:45 (GMT)
BGE: Moto: use templates to avoid duplicated code to convert in double or float arrays.
Tehnyt: Miika HämäläinenViimeksi päivitetty: 07.11.2014 14:18MiikaH:n Sivut a.k.a. MiikaHweb | 2003-2021