Blender Git Commit Log
Git Commits -> Revision b72f383
Revision b72f383 by Julian Eisel (temp-gpu-image-engine) December 15, 2021, 13:37 (GMT) |
Fix possible use-after-free on error handling during VR view drawing Whenever an exception happens in VR session code, we cancel the entire session. Alongside that, we removed the "surface" item used to draw into an offscreen context. But this may still be stored as active surface, leading to a use-after-free when deactivating this active surface, for example. |
Commit Details:
Full Hash: b72f383ad50e1543cb81db56da8fc8e7529684de
Parent Commit: b95d1b3
Committed By: Jeroen Bakker
Lines Changed: +3, -0
1 Modified Path:
/source/blender/windowmanager/intern/wm_surface.c (+3, -0) (Diff)