MiikaHweb Blog -> Blender (Page 7)
Using smoke heat as a texture
Jan-03-2010 0 CommentsI just finished a Blender patch that allows using smoke heat as a texture. This might be useful in several temperature dependant simulations and it also allows faking some kind of multicolored smoke.
Here's a test video of two smoke flows with different heat values being colored by the heat.
I'll update Blender builds -section and add a patch later today.
Smoke Explosion
Nov-26-2009 0 CommentsA new Blender animation added to Videos section : Smoke Explosion.
It is made using the new Blender 2.5 smoke simulator and some tricks with the material. ;p
Blender 64-bit build added
Nov-15-2009 0 CommentsBlender Builds -section also provides a 64-bit version of Blender.
A New 3D Animation
Nov-10-2009 0 CommentsCategory:Site News, Blender
Tags: Update, Smoke, Simulation
A new section: Blender Builds
Aug-09-2009 0 CommentsA new section added: Blender Builds. It has optimized builds of Blender 2.49 and the recent SVN revisions of upcoming Blender 2.5.
New videos
Nov-05-2007 0 CommentsVideos -section has been updated + two new videos: mhSimulation and mhBloodSplash + some small updates.